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The Union Jack flies
at half mast
following the death
of Prince Philip
Duke of Edinburgh
who died at the
age of 99yrs
on 9th April at
Winsor Castle.
Rochester Keep
April 2021
Rochester tour guide
Family bubble only
Contactless preferred
Welcome back
Beyond April 12th
Patriotic words on the
day of Prince Philip's
funeral April 17th
And the return of:
The Artisan Market
And Spring runs hot & cold
May Day
With no Sweeps Festival
Outside only
The love goes on
And the not so loving
Life goes on
Pre-May 17th
Home test collection centre
And summer smiles
for bank holiday weekend
June continues
Restrictions continue but
so do the smiles
Miss Twinkletons
Testing kit distribution
Blue Boar car park
On a shout
Iconic location
And waitressing must go on
And the visitors still come
Looking forward to 19th July
Come rain or shine
There's always work
11th July
It just wasn't to be
Shopping towards freedom
Freedom Day 19th July
And so ends my Covid
Collection 2021
Many thanks to all who've taken part
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